In this section, we have compiled a few links to external resources which you may deem useful (please consider our disclaimer on external links).
Also, do not forget to visit our YouTube channel and our Wikipedia page, and to follow us on Twitter!
Miscellaneous resources
- Ancient Grains by Delwen Samuel and Mark Nesbitt
- Archäologie und Archäobotanik Afrikas
- Archaeobotanical Reports from Sites in the Near East compiled by Naomi F. Miller
- The Dung File by Alwynne B. Beaudoin
- The Integrated Archaeobotanical Research Project by the Department of Archaeology at the University of Sheffield
- List of AMS facilities for radicarbon dating on Wikipedia
- Near East Archaeobotany, including pictures of seeds by George Willcox
Plant remains identification
- Anatomy of European and North American Woods — An Interactive Identification Key
- CFAES Seed ID Workshop
- Descriptions, illustrations, interactive identification, and information retrieval from DELTA databases
- The Digital Plant Atlas
- InsideWood Database
- Microscopic Wood Anatomy of Central European species
Mailing lists via JISCMAIL
- ABCD (Archaeobotanical Computer Database)
- ADEMNES (Archaeobotanical Database Of Eastern Mediterranean And Near Eastern Sites)
- ArboDat — APE (Archaeobotanical database)
- ArboDat Multi (Archaeobotanical database of Czech Republic)
- ArchBotLit (The Archaeobotanical Literature Database for literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants since 1981)
- BRAIN (The Botanical Records of Archaeobotany Italian Network)
- Dr. Kroll’s Database (Literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants 1981-2004)
- Origins of agriculture: archaeobotanical database
- The Rural Settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource
Background image: Charred cultivated plant remains from Fuente Álamo (prov. Almería, Spain), Bronze Age El Argar culture © Hans-Peter Stika